

Your Fund Surrey: funding for small projects

Your Fund Surrey has made funding available for small one-off projects requiring between £1,000 and £50,000. If your community project needs getting off the ground, or perhaps some new amenities, extra space or even some solar panels, this funding could make all the difference.

To apply for funding, contact your Surrey county councillor.

Funding for larger community projects (in excess of £10,000) is also available through a staged application process.

Measure and analyse greenhouse gas emissions

Emission reporting is a key action for any businesses and organisations who want to better understand their impact, and to make real changes for the environment.

The first step for any company that wants to reduce climate change, is to measure its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). There are many private agencies that are carbon footprint certified and that can help companies measure their CO2 emissions.

Once GHG emissions are known, they must be analysed to see which of the company’s activities produce the highest levels of pollutants. Once this analysis is done, companies can then begin to consider solutions to reduce their emissions.

There are also several online tools that can help SMEs to begin to consider their organisational footprint:

A useful starting point is Emission Possible guide, produced by WWF. This beginners guide to emissions reporting includes an overview of reporting protocol. It covers terms most commonly used such as Scope 1, 2 & 3, as well as sector-specific recommendations.

The Carbon Trust have developed a Carbon Footprint Calculator (external link) which is designed to help UK based SMEs begin to calculate their corporate Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Further information on emission reporting standards can be found at the Greenhouse Gas Protocol website (external link).

Set emission reduction targets

Setting targets for future emissions is a great way to keep track of and ultimately reduce emissions. The UK has targets to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050. Net zero means that you are putting no more carbon into the atmosphere than you are taking out of it. Businesses of any size can make the Net Zero commitment today and can find many more resources to help at the Business Climate Hub (external link).

Reducing energy consumption

There are many simple changes that businesses and organisations can make to lower energy consumption and emissions. These changes can be made right away. For example, turning the heating down by just one degree and ensuring thermostats are set correctly; turning the air conditioning off when a window or door is open; and keeping radiators free from obstructions.

When it comes to managing buildings; ensuring proper insulation of windows, walls, doors, roof, chimneys and pipes will reduce energy use, cut emissions and energy bills. Another option to consider is upgrading conventional lighting to LED bulbs which last longer and reduce maintenance costs. Installing lighting controls that automatically switch or dim lighting can increase energy savings.

By paying more attention to other daily routine actions, businesses can reduce their energy consumption and emissions. Smart meters can also help businesses take control of their energy use and costs; learn more at Smart Energy GB.

Switch to renewable energy

Switching to renewable energy is a highly significant step small businesses can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Businesses can choose a green energy tariff, so that their energy supplier puts the same amount of electricity used back onto the National Grid from renewable sources. A higher demand from businesses will mean a greener fuel mix on the grid as a whole. Businesses can also consider generating their own renewable energy by installing solar panels; or switching from a gas boiler to a low carbon alternative such as a heat pump.

Reduce waste

Businesses can reduce the amount of packaging, promote the use of recycled materials, minimise single use plastics, focus on sustainable textiles, have smart storage for perishable goods, provide clear labelling for disposal and recycling, repair electronics instead of repurchasing. There are plenty of possible solutions.

The WRAP website is an excellent resource to explore strategies to tackle waste.

Optimise employees’ transportation

Businesses and organisations can reduce their impact on the environment by allowing employees to make changes to how they work and travel. Encouraging employees to cycle to work, use public transport or carpool with colleagues can significantly reduce emissions and our climate change impact. Supporting employees with a cycle to work scheme, offering discounts on public transport, and providing flexible home working opportunities are just some of the options.

Choose greener infrastructure and equipment

It is also possible to choose more environment-friendly infrastructures and equipment. In this way, companies can set up a fleet of hybrid or electric vehicles to upgrade their company cars to the latest environmental standards. When the time comes to buy new printers, air conditioners, laptops, screens, bulbs or office materials, if the old ones can’t be fixed or more are needed, choose the most efficient (energy-wise) and sustainable ones.

Choose sustainable suppliers

Each company also has a responsibility regarding the partners it chooses. Choosing a supplier is also an environmentally-friendly choice (or not, depending on the supplier). Therefore, companies should make the effort to choose suppliers who demonstrate they have good environmental practices. To promote action and new ideas, businesses can speak to their supply chain about how they are reducing emissions.

Raise awareness among employees, clients and other stakeholders

Companies also play a role in raising awareness among their employees, consumers, media and other stakeholders. Organising in-house contests or campaigns to raise and improve awareness on sustainability issues is a great idea and effective tool at your disposal. These small gestures gradually create the ground for best practices which individuals then reproduce at home and transmit to share with their friends.

Promote environmentally friendly ways of working

Paperwork has a strong environmental impact, as does computer work and use of the Internet because of the impact of large servers. Could you reduce staff travel by incorporating more work from home? If your business requires staff to travel around the UK, could they use virtual meetings instead? Try to make these a consideration when setting out company practices.

More information on how you can make your business more environmentally friendly from the Energy Saving Trust.

More information

More information on businesses and climate change can be found on the Surrey County Council website.

Visit the Surrey Chambers of Commerce website to help your business cut carbon emissions and help protect the planet.

Business Accreditation Schemes

There are six accreditation schemes available to businesses in Surrey: B Corporation, Green Accord, Investors in the Environment, Green Mark, Carbon Trust Standard, and EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). 

Find out more about business accreditation schemes