Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)
The Thames Basin Heath (TBH) Special Protection Area (SPA) Avoidance Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) advises that it will usually be possible for developments of fewer than 136 net dwellings to take up capacity at Council-provided SANGs, subject to availability. In addition, larger developments in the Western Urban Area (the settlement areas of Camberley, Frimley, Frimley Green and Mytchett), that are unable to realistically provide land for SANGs may also be able to use capacity at strategic SANGs. This approach may also apply to sites outside this area that have particular, site-specific circumstances which support the need for off-site SANGs provision, subject to the availability of SANG capacity. The table below includes the SANGs that the Council uses for allocating new residential development, indicating their capacity status.
It should be noted that this is for guidance purposes only and it is still advisable that anyone considering submitting a planning application for residential development contacts the Council before plans and other documentation are prepared.
Name of SANG | Capacity Status |
Blackwater Park | Full |
Chobham Place Woods | Full |
Windlemere | Capacity available |
Chobham Meadows | Capacity available |
Hawley Meadows | Very limited capacity available |
Shepherd Meadows | Very limited capacity available |
Swan Lakes | Full |
Location of SANGs and their catchment areas

SAMM and SANG tariff
From 1 April 2024, the per dwelling Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) tariff will be charged at £956.69 per dwelling, following the agreed approach to increase the SAMM tariff in line with inflation by the Joint Strategic Partnership Board. This updates the tariff guidance set out in paragraph 7.3 of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy SPD.
In compliance with the updated SAMM tariff, the per dwelling contribution of £956.69 has been converted to a 'per bedroom' tariff which equates to £398.62 per person as set out in the following table:
Number of bedrooms | Occupancy | Tariff |
1 | 1.40 | £558.07 |
2 | 1.85 | £737.45 |
3 | 2.50 | £996.55 |
4 | 2.85 | £1136.07 |
5+ | 3.70 | £1474.89 |
The planning application process for sites requiring SANG capacity
Following approval by the Council’s Executive at the 21st January meeting, on the 1st February 2020 the Council introduced a number of changes to how it allocates Council owned or administered SANG capacity, known as Strategic SANG.
The changes include:
The introduction of a SANG Allocation Criteria which can be viewed below. The SANG allocation criteria only applies to development proposals for net new residential development that require capacity at Strategic SANG’s.
No longer allocating SANG capacity to Prior Approvals for office to residential conversions.
No longer allocating SANG capacity when an application has been validated. Applicants should now make a request to the Head of Regulatory services for SANG capacity.
From 1 August 2019, the Council reduced the time period for which a planning application is valid from three years to one year for all applications involving net new residential development. The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Section 91, provides local planning authorities with this flexibility. For development proposals in excess of 50 units, discretion will be applied by the case officer in determining whether it is appropriate for a one year expiration of planning permission to be applied. The change in the time period for which the planning permission is valid will not be applied to development proposals providing their own SANG.
For information regarding SANG contributions as well as Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) monies, please refer to the Community Infrastructure Levy guidance.
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