Following the announcements by HMRC in December 2016, we implemented the introduction of VAT on all CON29 and CON29O products from 1st January 2017.
From Monday 4th July 2016, the CON29 2016 edition took effect and the CON29 2007 edition is no longer be available (we are therefore be unable to accept search requests relating to the CON29 2007 edition from this date).
Please submit CON29 2016 edition search requests using the forms available via the Law Society website.
Search fees
Surrey Heath Borough Council Local Search Fees - Fees from 1 April 2024 | Residential - 1 April 2024 | Commercial - 1 April 2024 |
LLC1 only Please Note: Remember to send in your plans with the application by post, or you can email the LLC1 once completed, including your scanned plans to: (link sends email) |
£46.45 (No VAT) | £46.45 (No VAT) |
Additional Parcel | £7.80 (No VAT) | £7.80 (No VAT) |
Basic Search LLC1 + CON29 Residential |
£266.05 (£46.45 No VAT + £219.60 CON29 fee [£183 net + £36.60 VAT]) |
£322.45 (£46.45 No VAT + £276 CON29 fee [£230 net + £46 VAT]) |
Additional Parcel (LLC1 + CON29) |
£23.30 (£7.80 No VAT + £15.50 [£12.92 fee + £2.58 VAT]) |
£23.30 (£7.80 No VAT + £15.50 [£12.92 + £2.58 VAT]) |
CON29O Optional Enquiry (If submitted at the same time as a basic search) |
£24.84 (£20.70 fee + £4.14 VAT) |
£24.84 (£20.70 fee + £4.14 VAT) |
CON290 Optional Enquiry (If not submitted at the same time as a basic search) |
£47.40 (£39.50 fee + £7.90 VAT) |
£47.40 (£39.50 fee + £7.90 VAT) |
Additional Enquiry Own Words **See note below |
£31 (£25.83 fee + £5.17 VAT) |
£31 (£25.83 fee + £5.17 VAT) |
**Please note that Highway related additional enquiries should be sent directly to Surrey County Council who charge according to their own fee scales.
Pay online for your search
You can pay online for your search by visiting our make a payment webpage.
NLIS channel provider contact details:
- Tel: 0870 7877625
Thames Water Property Insight
- Tel: 0118 9251 504
Other providers of electronic searches
- TM Property Service
- Tel: 0844 249 9200
Submission of search
Please note that search applications must include the following when submitted to be accepted for processing:
- A correct and clear address to be searched against.
- An up to date site plan showing the boundaries of the property or land to be searched against, clearly hatched or marked in red.
- The correct fee (please see fee scales)
If a search is submitted by a solicitor, cheques drawn on Solicitor's client accounts are preferred. We will accept personal cheques, but only on the distinct understanding of the Solicitor's undertaking to reimburse the Council if the cheque is not cleared.
Please make cheques payable to "Surrey Heath Borough Council".
Cancellation of searches
If a search request has been submitted and accepted onto our system as a valid search, we are unable to cancel the search or refund the fee. Please contact us ASAP to cancel a search and we can advise further.
If your search has been submitted via NLIS, please contact your channel provider promptly. You may also care to inform us directly.
Other related fees
Has your completed search gone missing?
We can provide you with a further copy for a fee of £10.
For copies of Building Regulation Approvals, please contact Building Control on 01276 707100.
Personal Inspections of Land Charges Register
Search requests will need to be booked by emailing accompanied with a plan and payment.
Please state at the time of booking if there are additional questions.
Any payment due should (ideally) be made online via our Make A Payment webpage, and the receipt sent with the search booking email: please select the option for ‘Land Charges Search Fees’ when submitting your fee (not Building Control, even if the payment is for Building Regs information).
Searches will not be booked in until payment, if required, is made.
Searches will be emailed back within 28 working days of the Personal Search booking and payment being received.
Service standards
The Local Land Charges Service aims to give a prompt and effective service, responding to most requests within the timescale shown below:
We aim to:
- Complete a Non Standard Local Authority Search within 7 working days
- Complete a Standard Local Authority Search within 7 working days
- Respond to all letters and e-mails that require a response within 10 working days unless you are specifically informed.
Our commitment to you:
We aim:
- For our services to be accessible to you
- To treat you in a caring manner
- To treat you fairly and with equality
- To provide you with a quality service and to get it right first time.
- To be transparent, open and honest and ensure your privacy in all our dealings with you.
- To Listen to what you say and learn from our dealings with you
- To value our team and expect that you will treat them with the same respect that you would expect from us.
Your Views
Your suggestions, complaints, comments and compliments are important to us, because we can learn from them and they will help us to improve the Local Land Charges Service we provide to you.