CON29 and the Environmental Information Regulations

CON29 Information Requests

Following Decisions by the Information Commissioner that the questions in the CON29 are considered to be covered by the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and should be available at no charge, for the purposes of compiling personal searches. A personal search is simply a copy of all the registrations that are held on the local land charges register when a search is conducted against the address provided. The response we provide is a copy of the raw data only - it is unchecked, unverified and unofficial. As a result, it is for the customer to decide what information provided is relevant to that property or not. The following procedure is available. 

To obtain information under Environmental Information rules, a request should be made to the Freedom of Information Officer at foi@surreyheath/ (link sends e-mail), who will contact the relevant department of the Council that holds the information requested. Please note that under EIR, the council has up to 20 working days to respond, though we will endeavour to respond to requests as soon as possible. If you do not wish the information to be sent to you, you may view the information on the Council premises. You will be offered a date and time to view the information, within 20 working days of receipt of your request.

In the interest of clarity, please include in full the questions you wish to obtain information on. Please do not just refer to the CON29 question numbers.

The Planning Enforcement Register is available for inspection at Reception from Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3HD during office hours or by visiting the Planning Enforcement page on our website.

For further information about planning, please visit Surrey County Council's website (external link)

Local Land Charges will continue to offer an 'Enhanced Service' of refined data formatted to the CON29 questions and answers.