Surrey Heath Borough Council to agree Council Tax for 2024/25

At the Full Council Meeting of Surrey Heath Borough Council on 21 February, Members will set the budget and Council Tax for 2024/25.

Surrey Heath Borough Council collects Council Tax from almost 40,000 households within Surrey Heath on behalf of local authorities in our area.

Of the total collected, 74% goes to Surrey County Council, 14% to the Police, and 1% to Parish Councils. 11% stays with Surrey Heath Borough Council helping to fund a huge range of services and support our local communities.

Cllr Leanne MacIntyre, Portfolio Holder for Performance & Finance said: “As with all similar councils nationwide, our costs have increased due to rising inflation, reductions in funding from partners and an increase in demand for our services.

“As a Council, we work hard to ensure your council tax is spent effectively, particularly in such challenging times.

“Despite the financial challenges we face, we’re passionate about delivering for you and a fairer society and we prioritise the 11% we keep to support our residents.”

Surrey Heath Borough Council is seeking to agree a 2.99% increase on Council Tax, an increase significantly below inflation, equivalent to just £7.20 a year, or 14p a week, as per an average Band D property.

With many councils having to consider cuts, Surrey Heath Borough Councils latest budget proposal remains well placed to deliver capital programmes of investment in owned assets, undertake essential repairs and maintenance of council buildings and car parks and absorb additional costs without cuts to frontline services. 

Anyone struggling to pay their Council Tax should contact Surrey Heath Borough Council to discuss the ways in which we can help.    


At the Full Council meeting of 21 February 2024, it was resolved that the Surrey Heath Borough Council element of the annual council tax precept be increased by 2.99% across all Council Tax bands.

Read more about the Full Council meeting of 21 February 2024