Revised Local Plan timetable proposed

Collage of images of local spaces tinted in the council colours.

Surrey Heath Borough Council is publishing a revised timetable for the remaining stages of the Local Plan process, known as the Local Development Scheme (LDS).

The Council has previously created a draft Local Plan for the Borough outlining where housing development is proposed to take place, along with employment, commercial, recreation and green spaces. We consulted extensively with residents and businesses on this draft local plan in 2022, which received broad support.

Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Transport and Planning, Cllr Alan Ashbery said: "The Council is committed to delivering the best Local Plan for our residents, while continuing to protect our highly valued Green Belt and enhance local biodiversity.

“The Plan will also help us to achieve our objective of creating more homes and supporting a strong economy.

“This revised Local Development Scheme outlines the schedule for the remaining stages of the Local Plan process to adoption late next year.”

The Council was scheduled to publish the Regulation 19 document for the Local Plan in November 2023, however this stage was delayed to allow further work to be carried out, and information updated.

The proposed LDS, covering 2024-27, sets out the milestones and timescales to planned adoption of the Local Plan in 2025. Publication of the Pre-Submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan is scheduled for summer 2024. Submission to the Secretary of State for Examination would take place in winter 2024/2025, with adoption planned for autumn 2025.

Access the Agenda and read more details on the Local Development Scheme, and other items to be discussed at the Executive Meeting of 19 March.

Update: 28 March 2024

The Executive resolved that the Surrey Heath Local Development Scheme, as attached at Annex 1 to the agenda report, covering the period 2024 – 2027, be agreed and published on the website.