Antisocial behaviour case review

The Antisocial behaviour (ASB) case review gives you the right to ask for a review of your case. It allows different agencies like the police and the Council to come together to try to find a solution.

Using the antisocial behaviour (ASB) case review

The ASB case review can be used if you (or others with your consent) have complained on three or more occasions about separate incidents of anti-social behaviour in the past six months.  This has been designed to give the victim the right to request that agencies deal with persistent anti-social behaviour.

You must have reported each incident of anti-social behaviour within one month of it happening.

The case will not be reviewed if the above conditions are not met.

The case review process

This will involve the various agencies for example, the police, local authority and housing association, and consideration will be given that the administering agency (normally the Council) using an independent chairman to conduct the panel meeting.  This will be different from a single agency complaint process which looks at faults in the agency responded.  Please note, the ASB case review process aims to implement an action plan designed to resolve and fix the anti-social behaviour.

Consideration will be given for the victim to attend the first part of the panel meeting or if this is not possible for an impact statement to be provided to explain the harm the ASB is causing you and your family and an opportunity for the victim to outline the desired outcomes.

When the ASB case review should not be used

If you have reported an anti-social behaviour complaint to an agency/organisation and been given a date when you will get a response, and this date has not yet passed, you should contact the agency you are working with for an update.

Request an ASB case review

Please complete the ASB case review form.

You will need to tell us:

  • information about the anti-social behaviour
  • the dates of each complaint
  • details of who you have complained to, including name, organisation and/or incident/reference number.

After the ASB case review has been activated

Once we receive your ASB case review submission, we will;

  • respond within three working days outlining the process and timescales for the full response.
  • provide you with a named contact of the person who will dealing with your case as a single point of contact.
  • speak to you to get a better understanding of the issue and carry out a risk assessment. 

Your submission will then be passed to a ASB case review panel, to assess whether it meets the threshold.

If your submission does meet the threshold and is accepted:

  • the panel will meet to review the case and agree an action plan if applicable, the victim can chose to attend the first part of the meeting or provide an impact assessment.
  • we will contact you with the outcome of the panel meeting within 25 working days. 

If your submission does not meet the threshold and is rejected, we will:

  • provide suitable advice to help you manage the issues
  • signpost you to agencies who may be able to offer support.


If you are not happy with the decision, you have the right to appeal.

To appeal, please contact the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner for Surrey (external link).

Additional support 

Victims of anti-social behaviour can access free advice and support:

ASB case review statistics 

It is a legal requirement for us to report how many ASB case reviews we have received. For the period April 2022 to March 2023:

  • ASB case reviews received: 0
  • ASB case reviews that did not meet the threshold: 0
  • Case reviews held: 0
  • Case reviews with recommendations: 0