Interim Chief Executive, Returning Officer & Head of Paid Services
Nick Steevens
Email: (link sends email)
Strategic Director - Finance, Section 151 Officer and Customer Service
Bob Watson
Responsible for:
- Finance
- Revenues and Benefits
- Post and Payments
- Contact Centre
Email: (link sends email)
Head - Planning and Housing
Gavin Chinniah
Responsible for:
- Development Management
- Planning Policy and Conservation
- Drainage
- Land Charges and Technical Support
- Building Control
- Corporate Enforcement
- Car Parks
- Private Sector Housing
- Housing and Homelessness
Email: (link sends email)
Head - HR, Performance and Communications
Sally Kipping
Responsible for:
- Key Projects/Partnerships
- Organisational Development and Performance Team
- Human Resources
- Communications
- Community Services
- Family Support
Email: (link sends email)
Head - Legal, Monitoring Officer and Democratic Services
Gavin Ramtohal
Responsible for:
- Legal
- Information Governance
- Elections
- Democratic Services
- Audit
Email: (link sends email)
Head - Investment and Development
Martin Breeden
Responsible for:
- Investment and Development
- Economic Development
- Corporate Property
- Recycling and Refuse (contract oversight)
Email: (link sends email)
Interim Head of Environment and Leisure
Sue McCubbin
Responsible for:
- Greenspace
- Leisure
- Theatre
- Museum
- Recycling and Refuse (operational)
- Street Cleaning
- Emergency Planning and Business Continuity
- Community Safety
- Environmental Health
- Licensing
- Health and Safety