Supplementary planning documents

Find information and download our supplementary planning documents (SPDs).

Western Urban Area Character SPD


The Western Urban Area of the borough has a distinctive patchwork of areas with specific character. New development has not always respected the character of the area it is located in. At times the Council has had difficulty in resisting development that is out of keeping with its surroundings because of a lack of detailed policy guidance on character issues.

The Western Urban Area Character SPD has been prepared to fill this policy gap. Specifically, the SPD sets out to give guidance to the development industry, the Council and the public on how to ensure that local context has informed the design of new development in the Western Urban Area.

Adopted SPD documentation

Paper versions of the SPD and Maps are available for inspection at the Council's Knoll Road Offices, and at Camberley and Frimley Green Libraries during normal opening times. Copies of the SPD or the SEA Determination may be obtained in Large print, Braille or foreign languages on request to the Borough Council by contacting 01276 707100 or by emailing sends e-mail)

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Borough Council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England determined under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 that Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was not required for the Western Urban Area Character SPD. It was also determined that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required for the SPD.

Regulation 17 Western Urban Area Character SPD

The Council's Executive agreed on the 24th January 2012 that a Regulation 17 draft of the SPD should be released for a six week consultation purposes. The consultation started on the 2nd February 2012 and closed on the 15th March 2012.