Apply for a business rate reduction

Find out what qualifies for a business rate reduction and how to apply.

Revaluation and transitional arrangements

All rateable values are reassessed at a general revaluation. The next revaluation takes effect on 1 April 2023.

Revaluations make sure each ratepayer pays their fair contribution by ensuring that the share of the national rates bill paid by any one ratepayer reflects changes over time in the value of their property relative to others. Revaluation does not raise extra money for Government.

More information

Please email (link sends email) or call 01276 707100.

You can also view Business rates guidance: Extension of Transitional Relief and Supporting Small Business Relief for small and medium properties on the Government website (external link).

You can also view information on providing rental information for Revaluation 2023 on the Government website (external link).