The Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May, 2023.
Throughout the Coronation Weekend there will be opportunities to mark this historic occasion across Surrey Heath. A special Bank Holiday on Monday 8 May has also been proclaimed by the Prime Minister in honour of the Coronation.
Surrey Heath Borough Council has made available a small grants scheme up to £250 to support community-led Coronation events on 7 May 2023.
Cllr Sarah-Jane Croke, Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding, Housing and Support said;
“The Coronation weekend promises to be a wonderful time of celebration and I am delighted that we are able to support community events across the borough with these grants. We want you to join together with your neighbours, family and friends to enjoy a glorious and memorable Coronation.”
The grants will be available to apply for from 1 March until 28 April via the Rotary Club – a link will be shared to apply for the grants on 1 March via our website and social media channels.
The following criteria will apply:
- The funded events take place in Surrey Heath and bring together a minimum of 20 people
- Are inclusive – including supporting vulnerable people who otherwise might not be able to take part in marking the Coronation
- Support local community engagement and cohesion
- Promote wellbeing
- Have a clear delivery plan
- Grants can be used to contribute to the costs of holding a community event including food, but not to pay for the costs of any alcohol.
If you are planning to hold a street party you can apply for a road closure on our website - the deadline to apply is 9 March 2023
Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort hope the Coronation Weekend will provide an opportunity to spend time and celebrate with friends, families and communities across the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth. Their Majesties are looking forward to marking the occasion with the public throughout 2023.