Wildflower and long grass areas

Information about wildflower and long grass areas in Surrey Heath.

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Wildflower and long grass areas

Benefits of wildflower areas

Wildflower and long grass areas have been established in Surrey Heath as part of a wider scheme of improving and diversifying wildlife habitats and enhancing biodiversity across the borough.

Wildflower areas provide important habitats for insects and pollinators. They also provide new wildlife havens that are crucial to the development of our parks, open spaces and the wider environment.

Our grounds maintenance contractor, Glendale, have donated equipment and wildflower seed towards this project. We are working with Glendale to introduce long grass areas in our major parks.

Many factors need to be taken into consideration when creating these areas, such as highway safety, site levels and underground services. They are all developed on a trial basis with a view to making them a permanent part of our landscape.

This work also makes an important contribution to  our climate change action plan.