Freedom of Information complaints

Information about the Freedom of Information complaints process

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 does allow for some exemptions under certain circumstances. If you are dissatisfied with the response you have the right to complain. The first step is to request an internal review of the response to your request by the Council. This process will constitute an independent review of the initial response and will give rise to a full consideration of the handling of the case, as well as the final decision. It will be carried out by a different person to the one who provided the initial response. To submit an internal review request please email sends e-mail) or write to Information Governance Manager, Legal Services, Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, GU15 3HD 

When you write to the reviewer requesting the internal review, we will acknowledge your letter and tell you when we will aim to complete the review. The aim to complete all internal reviews is within 20 working days, although more complex cases may take longer. If this is likely to be the case we will inform you of process.

If, once you have been informed of the outcome of the internal review, you are still dissatisfied; you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. We will send you details in the internal review letter of the ICO's address or you can look on the ICO website is external)

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 aims to promote greater openness to information held by public authorities, including local authorities. The Act also requires public authorities to have an approved Freedom of Information publication scheme which is a means of providing access to information which an authority proactively publishes.